Vakantie & Resort Leukermeer



Holiday & Resort Leukermeer strives to update and/or supplement the content on this website as often as possible. Despite this, we cannot completely rule out inaccuracies, imperfections and deviating images. 

Specific to prices and information about our products, we reserve the right to make manifest programming and typing errors. No agreement can be claimed with Holiday & Resort Leukermeer on the basis of such errors. 

No rights may be derived from the content of this website. Nor may rights be derived from the functioning of the website or the temporary unavailability of the website (such as a technical fault).

Websites of third parties

Our website contains various links to third-party websites. Holiday & Resort Leukermeer is not responsible for the content on these websites and/or the functioning of these websites. 


All content on this website is the intellectual property of Holiday & Resort Leukermeer. Copying, distributing or otherwise using this content is not permitted without written permission from Holiday & Resort Leukermeer.